That's our new organizational home as we transition away from meetup.com. If you have not done so already, please take a minute to create an account there and join our group!
A blog by the Lubbock Chapter of Democracy for America.
Yes, there are progressive Democrats in Lubbock, TX -- more than you would think!
Looks like the next DemocracyFest will be in either California or Florida. I don't know if this is in addition to one in Austin or in place of one in Austin. Maybe the event has gotten too big for Austin, who knows.
Looks like soon-to-be-senator Radnofsky has made a dent in Hutchison's approval rating. This is really impressive given how early it is in the campaign season. It's even more impressive when you break it down demographically (left as an exercise to the link-following reader).
I just finished a delightful 30-minute phone conversation with my contact at the national DFA. I passed on all of our group's feedback from the meeting on the 4th as well as the feedback from the blog comments.
This is the space for all Lubbock DFA members to give me feedback to pass on to the national organization. Broadly speaking, feedback is in three categories:
A friend living in San Francisco sent me an article about the most liberal and most conservative cities in the U.S. Lubbock, TX and Provo, UT are the top two conservative cities.